Classroom Activity Updates
So recently one of the main things we've been doing in class is learning our dacne of Michael Jackson's Thriller, that we will be preforming on Monday October 31st to multiple classrooms. This will give us a mark for our dance, so let's do our best and have fun! Another activity we're doing is the Interveiws with the recording masters of Audacity. Since doing this Alex Blouin and I have been recording our voices and experimenting with the sounds to come up with our "Cookstown Unlimited" radio brodcast featuring the interview of Justn Bieber. Yet one more fun thing we've been doing is finishing up our Science Work. We've been working hard for the past few weeks to get all our 12 questions done and ready for Monday, which is when we have our test, so be ready! Continuing with our daily acitvities we have Mr. Rowe for History the next rotary subject, of which we start on Monday, and as we work to progress toward our final year at Cookstown we all know we'll leave with bright minds and full spirited hearts as we all split up to different highschools and leave our very good friends. I believe that we will all try to stay in contact no matter where we are and what we do. A goal for the year is to fundraise for our Ottawa trip, so it costs less, so we need ideas. ideas, and IDEAS. Good luck, Cougars!