The Limit by Kristen Landon is so far a suspensful story of danger and heartbreak that I am currently reading, and it is one of that I love. The main character, Matt, and his family have gone over their mysterious "Limit" and now have to begin working to get it back down to under, so that they're not in debt. Once over the "Limit" and being in debt to it you are then offered one of 4 options. Option A, B C, or D. When choosing these options you have to be careful or it may be a long term comittment that you and your family may not be willing to. When you work for your debt it is the eldest child that will go to a facility and work for it rather than parents and the younger children, and sometimes in extensive cases all children will go and the parents will be scentenced to jail time. At the moment Matt has just been told about his facility workings in option D, one that his family did not get to choose. Matt will be living in the facility and working daily until his family is at a considerable mount under their Limit, and then matt can possibly go home. The back of the cover says that Matt will unravel the secrets about the Limit, which I look forward to reading about this month. I am also attempting to read "End Of Days" by Eric Walters, and a summary of this book will be posted as soon as it has been read.